Geo Lectures / 57:16 / POSTED 13.04.16
Factors affecting mineral criticality: the US perspective
The supply of critical minerals constitutes an important factor for any modern society. For the last decennials this topic has gained focus around the world with a growing population and an ever broader use of minerals in modern products and technologies. An insight to the US perspective of that is here given by Steven Fortier, Director of National Minerals Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey. The presentation is based upon the report Assessment of critical minerals: Screening methodology and initial application, released march 2016. In this report a screening of 50 elements is featured as a base of discussion for a national call to action.
The lecture was given at a MiMa Meeting on Geocenter Denmark, February 4th, 2016.
Link to the report - Assessment of critical minerals: Screening methodology and initial application